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Waste Free

Your planet-friendly lifestyle begins here.
The Waste Not Coach can help you build cleaner, less wasteful habits. It all begins with identifying where waste exists in your life. Click below to take a Green Living Survey to identify your waste habits.

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Why The Waste Not Coach

It is time we take control of our waste.

Not only in our bins but in our energy and water use.

The Waste Not Coach teaches people how to eliminate waste habits at home, work, school, and play. People often say "The problem is big business." The reality is, as long as we give our money to corporate polluters they will keep causing damage to our planet. We need to do better and use our dollars to vote for eco-friendly products and practices.

Let The Waste Not Coach Teach You How

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Enjoying the View

“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”


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